OUR team

Based out of Utah, Tinker Techers is a privately owned company that magically spawned into existance in 2022 to design toys, games, and fidgets for the entire family!

Bryant Schaugaard

Captain Techer (AKA Founder)

A technical captain at the helm of Tinker Techers ship. I keep my merry band of misfits in line.

Jeff christenson

R&D Magician

By sheer power of will, I can transform an idea into into a product. Some call it magic, others call it illusion, but a true magician never reveals his secrets.

Leonard Turner

Plastics and Molding Wizard

After perfecting my craft for decades in the resin caves of the Polyamide Mountains, I have dedicated my life to demonstrating the power of plastics to others.

brent jarvis

Machine Overlord

Born from the ashes of the steel forges, the machines are mine to command. I am the puppet master and the machines are my puppets.

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